Vision and Mission
Our vision at Saman Industrial Manufacturing Company promises a bright and bright future on the horizon of 96, ie until the end of 2017. In the above horizon, we will be one of the most successful manufacturing companies in the country's automotive industry:
At Saman Industrial Manufacturing Company, we offer our products with speed, quality, and standards accepted nationally and globally, and at competitive prices, from technical knowledge technology, equipment and machinery, engineering power, and other infrastructure. We have a power that is accepted by various stakeholders in the automotive industry at home and abroad.
In Horizon 96, the company will have the first place in the production of all kinds of complete car frames and seats in the country and will reach a level of competitiveness that will have acceptable strength against all its competitors. Our competitive advantage on Horizon 96 will also be quality, competitive prices, on-time delivery, financial strength, and technology development. On the horizon of 1996, the company will expand its production activities and enter the market and other products in the country's automotive industry, which will thus strengthen and develop its position in the overall market.
Mission Saman Industrial Manufacturing Company is a car parts manufacturing company that creates and develops its technical and technological infrastructure, as well as its technical and engineering capabilities and capabilities for the production of car metal parts and assemblies. In addition to these capabilities, the company also considers the ability to perform complementary production operations in non-metallic fields, which are used to complete parts and production assemblies, and convert them into assemblies required by the market. The parts and production sets of this company are required by all car companies in the country and abroad.

Establishing a close and intimate relationship and establishing interaction and exchange with customers and paying attention to their opinions in reviewing, and improving the effectiveness of products and providing them with fully competitive conditions, is the secret of success and comparative advantage of the organization in maintaining and developing the business. The importance of satisfying the main customers and end customers, we draw all our attention to these issues and try to: Satisfy the customers of the products of Saman Industrial Manufacturing Company in terms of quantity, quality, timely delivery, and competitive prices. Let's move towards meeting the expectations of the company's shareholders and earning normal income. Provide appropriate material and spiritual rewards for the efforts of our colleagues in the company and all partner suppliers. Respect for the protection of social and environmental rights and interests of society should be our duty and priority.
We will do our best to satisfy our stakeholders and develop a positive and pleasant perception of our performance.